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"the cosmic watergate"

update: nov 2004

history of coverups

illustrated extracts from the disclosure project

 us-website: www.DisclosureProject.org

and some other cases...


"now some of the BIG witnesses dare to speak and give testimony"

the illustrations here are made on computer - the originals are not yet released

   norsk side 

she witnessed the GULF-WAR         PLANNING IN 1977!!.....

Testimony of Dr. Carol Rosin December 2000

 Dr. Carol Rosin was the first woman corporate manager of Fairchild Industries and was spokesperson for Wernher Von Braun in the last years of his life. She founded the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space in Washington DC and has testified before Congress on many occasions about space based weapons. Von Braun revealed to Dr. Rosin a plan to justify weapons in spaced based on hoaxing an extraterrestrial threat. She was also present at meetings in the ‘70s when the scenario for the Gulf War of the ‘90s was planned. (more)

(and still more) here on norwegian







Testimony of Mr. James Kopf, US Navy/ National Security Agency

October 2000

"...all the electronics and communications on board the USS JFK stopped functioning when a huge glowing orange-yellow UFO hovered above"





Testimony of Professor Robert Jacobs, Lt. US Air Force

 Professor Jacobs is a respected professor at a major US university.  In the 1960’s he was in the Air Force. He was the officer in charge of optical instrumentation and his job was to film ballistic missile tests launched from Vandenberg Air Force base in California. 

In 1964, during a test of the first missile they filmed, they caught on film a UFO traveling right next to the missile.  He says it looked like two saucers cupped together with a round ping-pong ball like surface on top.  The film showed that from the ball a beam of light was directed at the missile.  This happened four times, from four different angles, as the missile was about 60 miles up and traveling at 11,000 to 14,000 miles an hour.  The missile tumbled out of space and the UFO left. 

The next day he was shown the film by his commanding officer and was told to never speak of this again.  He said, if it ever comes up you are to say that it was laser strikes from the UFO.  Professor Jacobs thought this unusual because in 1964 lasers were in their infancy in the labs but he never the less agreed and hasn’t talked about it for 18 years. 

Years later, after an article came out about the film, professor Jacobs started receiving harassing phone calls at early hours in the morning.  His mailbox was even blown up out in front of his house.

( more)




UFO landing on a NATO atombase in England in 1980

6.9 RAF/USAF Bentwaters - Woodbridge - December 1980

One of the most important close encounters ever reported by the military, with documentation obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, is the multiple-witness events which occurred at a joint British/American NATO air base in England. The release to American researchers of the memorandum detailing the eye witness account of Lt. Col. Charles E. Halt (later promoted to Colonel), deputy commander of the base, gave tremendous credence to the investigative reports done at the time of the incident. It is important to note this Halt memorandum states that the initial event occurred "Early on the morning of 27 Dec 80 (approximately 0300L)." 

In September, 1994, one of the security men present at the encounter, Staff Sargent James Penniston underwent voluntary hypnosis about the event. He stated that though during hypnosis by government agents a few days after the event he was told that the stories from the witnesses would be the same, but would have different dates. This may explain why the dates in different reports are confusing. It is generally accepted that the initial event occurred early in the morning hours of December 26, 1980.






"...we haven’t needed fossil fuels since the 1940s, when free energy technologies were developed — but have been kept from humanity..."

Testimony of Master Sergeant Dan Morris, USAF (Retired)/ NRO Operative September 2000

Dan Morris is a retired Air Force career Master Sergeant who was involved in the extraterrestrial projects for many years. After leaving the Air Force, he was recruited into the super-secret National Reconnaissance Organization, or NRO, during which time he worked specifically on extraterrestrial-connected operations. He had a cosmic top-secret clearance (38 levels above top secret) which, he states, no U.S. president, to his knowledge, has ever held. In his testimony, he talks of assassinations committed by the NSA; he tells how our military deliberately caused the 1947 ET craft crashes near Roswell, and captured one of the ETs, which they kept at Los Alamos for 3 years, until he died. He talks about the intelligence teams that were charged with intimidating, discrediting, and even eliminating witnesses to ET/UFO events. He talks about Germany’s re-engineering of UFOs, even prior to WWII. He talks about our current energy crisis — and the fact that we haven’t needed fossil fuels since the 1940s, when free energy technologies were developed — but have been kept from humanity. This is the real reason for the secrecy of the ET/UFO subject. "What the people in power right now don’t want us to know is that this free energy is available to everybody." In conclusion, he warns against the weaponization of space and the shooting down of ET craft — this could force them to retaliate, and that would be our destruction.  (more)


"he worked with an alien - an ET....."

Testimony of Captain Bill Uhouse, USMC (ret.) October 2000

Bill Uhouse served 10 years in the Marine Corps as a fighter pilot, and four years with the Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB as a civilian doing flight-testing of exotic experimental aircraft. Later, for the next 30 years, he worked for defense contractors as an engineer of antigravity propulsion systems: on flight simulators for exotic aircraft - and on actual flying discs.

He testifies that that the first disc they tested was the re-engineered ET craft that crashed in Kingman, Arizona in 1958. He further testifies that the ET’s presented a craft to the US government; this craft was taken to Area 51, which was just being constructed at the time, and the four ET’s that accompanied the craft were taken to Los Alamos. (more)



another case where National Security consultant tells working with ET's (Michael Wolf)    and more here  and here  |  interview with Dr.Wolf in realplayer  | part 2 of interview

oversatt til norsk her: Innside avsløringer av UFO tildekking (Cover-Up) i USA




German UFOs from preWW2





NASA: ........

 ....they airbrushed away such evidence of UFOs out of photographs before they were released to the public.....


"Towards full disclosure"

 The following is an exclusive interview Surfing The Apocalypse conducted with Disclosure Project witness John Maynard, U.S. Army Retired - Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).


PRAVDA-news told of what seems to be traces of ancient bases on the moon






-Uncovered US Government coverup of UFO info   (+ J.F.Kennedy-murder) 

- mainlink

What about the Philadelphia Experiment as related to aliens?

the "Apollo-moon-man" Edgar Michels testimony (translated - norwegian)

from another source:

UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD SITUATION  (The Ahriman Forces and How World Leaders are Influenced)


"DEN ENDELIGE LØSNING"   - "alle problemers opphør" - pengesystemets avskaffelse

ending of "all problems" - getting  rid of evils root- the moneysystems cessation 


history of coverups

incredible private video from the East


Atle Johan Løvaas' kritiske blikk på samfunnets makt/-kapital-krefter og deres manipulering av den "sovende verden"  


a lot of links on coverups and the dark side

greer-intervju oversatt til norsk

  Cosmic Deception: Let the Citizen Beware:

Silent Weapons

Al Bielek Interview
Transfer of Energy...
Orion Technology
Cameron and Nichols
Al Bielek 1991

Leading Edge Research Interviews Wendelle C. Stevens on Area51, timetravel and more

9/11-coverup   9/11 link more 9/11

Cosmic Awareness - trance communication to space 

talmud of jmmanuel - new picture of the REAL mission of Christ   (here on scandinavian)


"creating money out of nothing" - about  the Federal Reserve System - Lecture by G. Edward Griffin - same for real Player | the lecture in text | download the soundfile in mp3 - 10,7 mb |

english soundfile in realAUDIO about the "money-masters" /moneymakers |  same for WINDOWS mediaplayer |

How the hidden web of some few people controlling worlds money-matters/banks - and through that they control almost everything - as all "politics" in the world is the struggle for money

get this 3hour soundfile in MP3 or REALaudio -together with all cropcirclespictures from the last ten years - also all the best ufopictures taken after sec.world war - a lot of ufo-contactbooks and much more IN ONE CD - COVERING ALL THE STUFF ON "GALACTIC-SERVER". PRICE 19 DOLLARS OR 19 EURO(198 kr i no/sv/dk) - take first contact on mail here before booking this very special cd


congressman McFadden's speech (here in txt) from  1934 on the PRIVATE FEDERAL RESERVE CORPORAT

 Home   ufokontakter kanaliserte  Martinus   mysteries LobsangRampa  ENGLISH UFO-books  kosmiske ideer  åndelig visdom  lydforedrag

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In the following I quote a song by Reinhard Mey, in which he calls his fellow man to be alert, to become aware of their own standards and values, to look and listen to things closely, in order to judge the phrases himself, which are served up to us by politicians, economists and not lastly, preached by the church institutions, especially on holidays like Christmas and Easter.

“Be alert,
an election poster, torn, lying on the wet grass –
They leer at me, the old soggy phrases,
senile faces made to look young,
that glorify the Medieval as progress...
See how they urge the people to prudence and sacrifice!
They call them the ‘people’ and mean the subjects.
All that sticky old slime we can bear no more.
Learn to translate what they really mean:
The minister takes the bishop aside and whispers:
You keep them stupid and I’ll keep them poor!
Be alert,
impress the words upon your mind!

Be alert,
and don’t fall for them!
Be sure to use your freedom well;
Freedom gets worn out with lack of use!

Be alert,
and note the faces well!
Be alert,
and preserve your courage, too.
Be alert,
and above all, be on your guard!

You switch on the TV – they lament the good, old values.
Their good, old values are almost always the wrong ones.

And those who shout so loudly in the talk shows,
are those who trample all the good values:
The media mogul and the newspaper czar,
the worst goats as gardeners, how great!
They call for the crucifix, for customs and good manners...
They call them the ‘people’ and mean the subjects.
All that sticky old slime we can bear no more.
Learn to translate what they really mean:
The minister takes the bishop aside and whispers:
You keep them stupid and I’ll keep them poor!
Be alert,
impress the words upon your mind!

Be alert,
and don’t fall for them!
Be sure to use your freedom well;
Freedom gets worn out with lack of use!

Be alert,
and note the faces well!
Be alert,
and preserve your courage, too.
Be alert,
and above all, be on your guard!

You switch on the TV – they lament the good, old values.
Their good, old values are almost always the wrong ones.

And those who shout so loudly in the talk shows,
are those who trample all the good values:
The media mogul and the newspaper czar,
the worst goats as gardeners, how great!
They call for the crucifix, for customs and good manners...
But tell the truth, and it’s no laughing matter...
Tell the truth but leave the motor running!
Tell it loud and quick, for as the saying goes:
He who tells the truth needs a mighty quick horse!

Be alert,
impress the words on your mind!
Be alert,
and don’t fall for them!

Be sure to use your freedom well;
Freedom gets worn out with lack of use!

Be alert,
and note the faces well!
Be alert,
and preserve your courage, too.
Be alert,
and above all, be on your guard!